Design OF

Design OF

Design OF featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



B-U is an awareness campaign composed by logo, posters, mail-outs, banner, and website. Created by Yu Feng, the concept is to encourage people to follow their own style by empowering individualities. The project utilizes a system based on remixing and collaging pieces together, referencing what is unique about each one of us. For example on the B-U logo the U will change randomly between 5 different 'U'. On the booklet, the design lets people create their own version of the U by flipping pages, etc. Yu approaches a modern design which unites to one concept - Your Personality, Your Style.

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Shallot is the visual identity designed by X1000 studio for the CFDG Young Director Support Program, including logo, posters and extended design. The designers use the first impression of shallot to show vitality, as a symbol of young, life, growth and the vigorousness of these young directors. Moreover, shallot has the flavor of spicy, symbolizing the brave spirit of young people in trying new things. Contrasting from other film awards often using gold and black, this visual identity uses green and white, the designs trying to create a very different look from common impression.

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National Essence

This series poster reflect Chinese haze pollution problem. The design show the state of Chinese national culture image under the haze. The Chinese traditional culture image, rare animal, world heritage, literary novel character are the protagonists of the poster. The essential purpose of design is calling on the Chinese government and individuals to pay more attention to environmental problems especial haze.

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Most fonts are made in the way where all letters are created with one style and similar forms. Kanibal is something different where every letter has a story to tell. Every letter is created with different weight, style and form. When you look at text typed with Kanibal, you can see the game of shapes that Kanibal creates. Text is dancing in front of your eyes.

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J.C.Disi 2013/14 Biennial

In 2013 and 2014, the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (J.C.DISI) endeavoured to achieve the above vision in three unique but interrelated approaches; to initiated a number of design projects with partners in public, social and private sectors that propel substantial social changes in Hong Kong; to organise a number of programmes dedicated to capacity building of future social innovators in Asia; and to launch platforms of various forms and medium to catalyse knowledge exchange on a global scale. This book serves as an archive and a reflection of their work.

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Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney

Solving the Royal North Shore Hospital's wayfinding was not just about designing ‘better’ signs. Legibility, colour and graphics may be the necessary physical tools for a sign but it was the comprehension of their meaning that was important and how this was organised into a cognitive pattern of sign types. Clarity and directness of the wayfinding system is enhanced and enlivened by the use of colour utilised at each lift core as a wayfinding tool to correspond with vertical circulation. Visitors felt comfortable in their spatial environment, and were easily oriented and logically informed.

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