Design OF

Design OF

Design OF featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Fondazione Alinari

Visual Identity System for Fondazione Alinari per la Fotografia is based on A letter as a focus. A stands for Alinari and is an abstraction of a camera lens. The form is a container in which the photos of the huge historical archive can be shown. All the items are designed with this concept. It is mainly a black and white brand, with a 3 colour secondary palette taken form the daguerreotype photos.

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Quix are self-service vending machines that provide drinks and snacks. Quix’s branding was created by choosing colors, textures, and forms from Italian culture paying homage to the golden age of Italian design and the giants that defined it. As the consumer approaches to purchase a cup of coffee, the branding creates a unique visual experience in the space transporting the consumer to a different time and place evoking Italian coffee culture. Capturing the essence of Italian aesthetics Quix branding implements them on a small scale - from a cup of coffee to a vending machine.

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Finding Your Focus

The designer aims to display a visual concept that demonstrates a conceptual and typographical system. Thus composition consists of a specific vocabulary, accurate measurements, and central specifications that the designer has taken into fine consideration. Also, the designer has aimed to establish a clear Typographic hierarchy to establish and move the order in which the audience receives information from the design.

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Artificial Intelligence In Design

The graphic design provides a visual representation of how artificial intelligence can become an ally for designers in the near future. It provides insights into how AI can help in personalizing the experience for the consumer, and how creativity sits in the crosshairs of art, science, engineering, and design. Artificial Intelligence In Graphic Design Conference is a 3-day event in San Francisco, CA in November. Each day there is a design workshop, talks from different speakers.

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R Gate Emblem

Riiid is the AI Ed technology company that believes education should help to discover and unleash the limitless potential of humankind. Every kid and parent believes in their potential at first but loses this belief as they enter the current education system where diversity and individual differences are not fully embraced. New corporate identity visualized the brand's "R" into a keyhole and a portal to represent Riiid is opening up a rusty old mindset and invites everyone to make their own breakthrough to remind of the belief: you are better than you think you are.

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A logo that conveys two different messages, you just have to turn it around. A combination of these two, from the very first sight totally different spheres, leads to creating one visual identity, one harmonious brand image. The upper part of the manor logo depicts a stylized fragment of an arch (manor symbol), a pattern of diagonal lines, and a motif of water waves (SPA, water, tranquility). The lower part of the logo depicts an analogous water motif and a stylized dinosaur. Thorough research led to the combination of differences so they communicate with two audiences: kids and grown-ups.

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